tisdag 23 februari 2016


(How to play poker!)

Here are my ideas about how to

play poker sensible and with good certainty

make a profit! Note: when it comes to poker is no advice

one hundred percent, but if you follow my advices, increaces your chances to go plus significantly.


www.teckno768-studiomike77.magix.net MY WEBSITE

This is about Texas Hold`em online pokergames!

(ENGLISH: My name is Mike Sadeghi. Not many people know me as poker player on media but the last 10 years, I have been playing a lot online poker and writing down my expriences, so these advice comes from them.
SWEDISH:Mitt namn är Mike Sadeghi. Jag är ingen känd pokerspelare men de senaste 10 åren har jag spelat mycket poker online och skrivit ner mina erfarenheter så dessa råd kommer från dem).



POKERQUALITY is about 37 best advice to play online  Hold 'em to be a winner. My name is Mike Sadeghi and I teach people to play poker professionally. You can see and read my ad on the blocket/Kristianstad/SERVICES. These advice come from my experiences playing online Hold'em in the last ten years  that I have written down.  Shipping in Sweden is included. It is available both in Swedish and English. Shipping abroad will be added depending on the country and distance. Payment  through my website ( www.teckno768.com ) by using PAYPAL BUTTON or make a deposit in advance on my account (you wil recieve information by email). For more information and to order send an email to teckno768@hotmail.com  with your name and address .  PRICE 125 SWEDISH CROWNS or 15USD (ONE USD= ABOUT 8,5 SWEDISH CROWNS)(NOTE:    MAX PRICE FOR ABROAD INCLIDING SHIPPING WOULD BE 25USD).
Lär dig spela poker och vinna samtidigt!

Jag kan lära dig spela poker (texas hold`em) samtidigt som vi spelar online berättar jag hur du ska spela för varje hand. 750kr för 90minuter 1500kr för 3 timmar.  Kan ge råd på avstånd genom SKYPE.  Grundläggande kunskaper i texas hold`em bör du kunna, annars kan jag  lära dig dem mot extra kostnad på 500kr.  Plats i centrala Hässleholm mittemot HEMMAKVÄLL video affär eller genom nätet och SKYPE. Jag satsar hela summan (750kr eller 1500kr Obs:mina pengar oavsett om det går bra eller dåligt) vi delar vinsten 50/50.Medan du väntar kan du kolla på mina råd om pokerspelande genom att beställa ett häfte med mina 37 bästa råden(bilden)  att spela poker för att vara en vinnare. Pris 125kr (Obs: frakt i Sverige ingår- utomlands beroende på land och avstånd)  Obs: dessa råd finns både på svenska och Engelska att beställa. Betalning genom SWISH(0763497981) eller i förväg på det sätt du vill. Beställ genom att skicka ett mail med ditt namn och adress till teckno768@hotmail.se
Tel: 045121144     eller   0763497981


1: Be not in a hurry to win big money immediately, be patient!

2: Never go all in until you are sure that you have very good hand and most likely it is the best hand.

3: If you have a good hand, you can bet depending on how good hand you have. A pair just a little (depending on type of a pair) Pair of 2 to 10 better call or pass (do not bet) if there is not much bet.  Pair of jacks just a little, Pair of queens a little more. Pair of Kings bet significantly but be aware of the opponent's reaction if he bets too, then you have to be careful. Be also attentive to what kind of person your opponent is. If you feel that he just bet without a good hand, you can call or even bet over him. The same applies to the pair of Aces. Two pairs a little more. Three of a kind is nice but be careful of the straight, flash, and full House. If you have straight be careful of flash, if you have flash be cautious about full House. 

4: You should always ensure that you survive the game as long as possible. Fold your hand as much as possible, you will notice that it will turn around and go your way.

5: Say to yourself this when you play: most of the hands are the hands that I`ll lose my money on. Think to yourself if I`ll lose on this hand (the first two that you receive) in that case better not to play this hand. This if you have a Little Money left, but if you still have a lot of Money left you may try some of them  but be careful and look for what happens next and decide how to play efter that !




13:Have a plan how to bet on the hand you have so you do not lose much if it becomes wrong depending on what level you play, if we take the smallest level(table level) this is an approximate system in swedish currency( find out how much it is in your currency): a pair = one Crown, 2pair = 2crowns (per shared cards), three of a kind = 3 to 5 Crowns, straight = 5 to 10 crowns or all in if you are certain you have the best hand flash= 5 to 10 SEK or all in with ACE.

Note: If you are interested to advertise at this blogsite and my other websites, you may contact me by sending me an e-mail to teckno768@hotmail.com


www.teckno768-studiomike77.magix.net MY WEBSITE

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